Sustainable Development Plans

Sustainable development is important:
  • for ensuring
    • that our economy can continue to be strong, robust, resilient, and able to withstand volatility and uncertainty for us and for our upcoming generations, and
    • that our economic capital remains abundant in order that we can afford to care for the environment and our social cohesion;
  • for ensuring
    • that our environment can continue to be clean (air, water, and land), and diverse (habitat that allows many different types of local plants and animals to thrive and provide us with delicious local food, water and handle our wastes), in order to eliminate clean-up costs and minimise food transportation costs, and
    • that our environmental capital remains abundant in order to be the womb for a thriving economy and our society working in community.
  • for ensuring
    • that our social cohesion can continue to be connected, engaging co-operatively with each other, with respect-ful open multi-way communication, with a sense of "community" and pulling together, able to care for people who struggle with how life has presented itself to them, able to withstand the stresses caused by a volatile economy and health issues brought on by a damaged environment, able to resist breaking into a panic grab for declining resources, and
    • that our social capital remains abundant, bonded and integrated in order to be the womb for a thriving economy and to understand and respect how important it is to have a clean and diverse environment.

Here are a few web sites and files that show the plans to guide decisions and work in developing municipalities in a sustainable way.
Here is a great document on solar access rights:

If you have any questions about this or when you find more web sites that should be listed here, please contact us at:

Howell-Mayhew Engineering, Inc.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Phone: +1 780 484 0476 GMT-7 (Mountain Time)
E-mail: ghowell (at) hme (dot) ca

Attn: Gordon Howell, P.Eng.